Naeva chat
The communication platform optimized for the construction industry.
Naeva and Satema -  Smart distributor
communicate with ease
Be more productive with naeva
Analysis icon

Site-by-site solution

Naeva offers a site-by-site solution without the need for personal licenses. Easy, affordable, and efficient.
Analysis icon


A little tap can do a lot of things. Reach out to everyone in seconds.
reduced downtime icon

Photos, videos & documents

Bring your files and the conversations surrounding them together in Naeva.
troubleshooting icon

Roles & professions

Reaching the right people at the right time can be crucial. Naeva provides an easy search for roles and professions.
alarm icon


Bring the right people and information together. With access to the same information, everyone can work in sync.
reducing chart icon

Naeva bot

A personal bot that helps you organize a busy day, sends reminders, and monitors critical tasks.
Get organized
Stay on the same page and make decisions faster by bringing all of your work communication into one place.

Spend less time searching for the right content with a comprehensive message archive.
Photos, videos & documents
Bring your files and the conversations surrounding them together in Naeva Chat.
Site-by-site solution
Naeva offers a site-by-site solution without the need for personal licenses. 
Easy, affordable, and efficient.
Bring the right people and information together. With access to the same information, everyone can work in sync.
Site-by-site solution
File sharing
Roles & professions
Naeva bot
Pin messages
Reply in threads
Web & app version
Direct messaging
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Looking to bring your work communication into one place?

Contact us for a product demo and find out how we can help you get more organized and work more easily with everyone.
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