Naeva access control
access & security
Our global management platform gives you full control over access and security, regardless of your project's location.
Naeva and Satema -  Smart distributor
for Your Projects
Create a Secure Environment
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Automated check-in for people, machines, and equipment.
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Access points

Check-in via physical access points such as doors, rotational gates, sliding gates and more.
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Access management

Managing access levels has never been easier and more automated with Naeva.
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Get a complete overview with Naeva, displaying timelines, crew lists, signed documents, equipment, etc.
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Document signing

Digital signing, storage, and sharing of important documents.
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Naeva is the key to everything

Control doors, gates, and devices with the Naeva app, wherever you are.
Unique Geofence Technology
Naeva has developed a unique technology for automated check-in of people, machines, and equipment. 
Also available as zone division for your projects!
Naeva is the key to everything
Digitalizing and streamlining the construction site starts at the door. 
Control doors, gates, and devices with the Naeva app, wherever you are.
Document signing
Digital signing, storage, and sharing of important documents. 

Naeva ensures that crew members have signed the necessary, legally required documents before accessing the construction site.
Naeva Analytics
Naeva collects and simplifies data from all your projects into clear dashboards. 
Quickly and easily get a complete overview of your construction sites.
Physical access points
Access at individual or
corporate level
Digital document signing
Digital SSI in multiple
Digital HSE card
Self-service onboarding
External integrations
Internal integrations
Digital keys
Remote control
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Looking to upgrade your access control?

Contact us for a product demo and find out how we can aid in your move to a connected, emission-free construction site.
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