Naeva analytics
informed decisions
Naeva collects and simplifies data from all your projects into clear dashboards.
Naeva and Satema -  Smart distributor
naeva analytics
Get essential project insights
Analysis icon

Complete project information

Unlock comprehensive project insights with our advanced analytics tool.
Analysis icon

Live consumption & capacity

Get insights on consumption, CO2 emissions, and capacity, that only Naeva can provide.
reduced downtime icon

Unit performance status

Check the performance of all of your units in seconds to reduce downtime and increase efficiency.
troubleshooting icon

Project comparison

Compare active projects with historical ones to track sustainability, efficiency, and costs.
alarm icon

Optimization tools

Naeva Analytics helps you understand your projects so you can take action to improve them in various ways.
reducing chart icon

Naeva bot

A personal bot that monitors critical metrics and helps you optimize your decisionmaking.
Complete project information
Unlock comprehensive project insights with our advanced analytics tool. Compare active projects with historical ones to track sustainability, efficiency, and costs.
Dive into the details
Naeva Analytics helps you understand your projects, so you can take action to improve them in various ways.
Live consumption & capacity
Get insights on consumption, CO2 emissions, and capacity, the only Naeva can give. Take action to improve the economy, efficiency and the environment for all of your projects.
Unit Performance Status
Access Naeva's unique insights to make the most of your data. Check the performance of all of your units in seconds to reduce downtime and increase efficiency.
Project comparison
Naeva Analytics gives you the tools you need to analyze data for your projects in one place, so you can make smarter decisions.

Compare active projects with historical ones to track sustainability, efficiency, and costs.
Complete project information
Project comparison
Unit performance status
Live consumption
CO2 emissions
Naeva bot
Optimization tools
Live capacity
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Looking to Get essential project insights?

Contact us for a product demo and find out how we can connect your insights to results with Naeva Analytics.
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